If you've subscribed to KeepStreams and need to cancel your subscription, follow these simple steps:
1. Visit keepstreams.com and sign in to your account.
2. In the Account Center, click the > button to access your plan details.
3. Click Cancel Plan. This prompts a pop-up with two options:
a. Upgrade Your Plan
- Select your desired plan and proceed by clicking Upgrade.
- Review the plan change details thoroughly.
- Confirm your selection by clicking Confirm. Note that this action will result in charges, and a receipt will be sent to your email.
- After successful confirmation, use the Go Back button to return to the Account Center and review your updated plan details.
b. Continue with Cancellation
- Click Continue to Cancel and provide your reason for cancellation.
- Confirm your cancellation by clicking Confirm.
- Check your email for the cancellation confirmation.
- Click the Cancel Plan button in the email to finalize the cancellation.
- Use the Go Back button to return to the Account Center to review your plan details.
- If you unintentionally canceled or wish to retain your subscription, click Restore Subscription to re-subscribe to your previous plan.
Updated on 2024-01-09
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